Guilherme Pacher
Brazil | MDS 16
Marketing and PMO at Whirlpool Corporation China
Linkedin profile
In 2014, After 6 years of engineering work in Brazil with two passages abroad (India & China), went to Italy to learn Strategic design, at Politecnico di Milano. The internship in Whirlpool China whit the cooking category IBU go to market strategy granted the opportunity to be hired to work cross-category, participate and coordinate global projects; working with Strategic Marketing, Project Management, Product Planning and Trans-Regional Sales departments; experiences that lowed some understanding of local and global market, product platforms, technologies, regulations, consumers, trade partners,… as basis for the actual role being part of the global innovation acceleration effort.
Which kind of contribution has provided to your career the MDS experience?
As an engineer my previous mindset was technology driven, from the solution or technology to the market and consumers, it was factual and constrained. The MDS complemented my mindset, by approaching the market from the opposite perspective, looking the other way around, from the consumer to the market, by empathizing with the user and understanding his/hers/its pain points to then deliver a solution, using techniques such as: consumer journey, personas, ethnography, touchpoints, fast prototyping, business model canvas, types of innovation, mystery shopping, product/service design, all hands on, from academic teachings to workshops for various companies. The experience with the teachers, in Milan and worldwide colleagues enriched my life personally and professionally, now I’m senior project manager at Whirlpool where I came for my internship… I think it talks by itself on how it contributed to my career.
Outline the MDS experience according four keywords or key adjectives
Crystallizing and Generative, mindset changer, open mind
Would you suggest this experience to other professionist?
No doubt I would recommend. Either for a designer who wants to immerge on the business side of projects, for engineers to learn the design tools and user centric approach or for business and managerial personnel who needs to understand the design process for/and value offer creation and development it is really game changer.